Women’s appearance and dental health

Women are more concerned with their looks than ever before and the appearance of their smile is an integral part of their overall look.

Research has consistently shown that women who are pleased with the appearance of their smile are more confident and more likely to succeed at work and in their social lives.

Women who feel conscious about the way their teeth look often suffer from low self-esteem and less likely to feel comfortable in social situations.

Studies have also revealed that women think the way a man’s teeth look is very important and can be a deciding factor in their choice of future partner.

Today, with advances in science and technology it is easier than ever before to achieve a gleaming set of pearly whites, with a range of specifically designed whitening products on offer in supermarkets and chemists and an array of cosmetic treatments on offer at the dentist’s practice.

For women that don’t need a drastic change, there is a huge variety of toothpastes and mouthwashes on offer that claim to whiten and brighten the teeth, remove bacteria and plaque, freshen breath and treat sensitive teeth.

For women that fancy a bit more of a radical change, cosmetic dentistry can provide a solution for almost any complaint.

Examples of popular cosmetic treatments include veneers, orthodontic treatments and professional whitening treatments.

Research has shown that women are more aware of the importance of a good oral hygiene routine than men; this involves using floss and mouthwash on a regular basis, brushing with fluoridated toothpaste at least twice a day and visiting the dentist on a regular basis.